Updated Visual Basic Programs 2015-16

1) 'Write a VB program to find out twin prime numbers between 10 to 100.'Twin primes are defined to be two consecutive odd numbers, which are prime'(Accept input through textbox and display result on form)'e.g.: 11 and 13, 17 and 19 are twin prime numbers.

2)Create the following application in VB. The form should contain the following menu Draw Modify Exit Circle Shrink Expand Erase

3) Write a VB Program to find sum of digit of a given number till it reduces to single digit. Accept input through textbox and Display the output in Message Box (using function)

4) Write a VB Program for Dental Payment Form. Calculate total on selected options from check boxes. 

5) Write a VB Program to place three text boxes onto the form at run time. Enter different strings in first and second textbox. On clicking to command button, concatenation of two strings should be displayed in the third text  

6) Design a form in VB with two List boxes. Set the style property of both to 0 and 2 (Multi select) respectively. One with the left arrow and one with the right arrow. On pressing the left arrow the selected item from List Box 1 should be transferred to List Box 2 (only if it does exist in List Box 2). If the right arrow is pressed, the selected item (multiple selection are not in ListBox2) transferred to List box 1.Add items and remove items buttons for each list. Duplicate item should not be added.  

7) Write a VB Program to display the reverse of a given number using function. (Accept number through textbox and display result using message box)

8) Design an application in VB which has a Drivelistbox, Dirlistbox, Filelistbox control. 

9) Write a VB Program to display Fibonacci series up to given term (Accept term using InputBox )and display Fibonacci series on to the form.

10) Write a VB program to accept the details of student and display mark sheet details on grid control.( roll_ no, student_ name, class, sub1, sub2, sub3, total, percentage,Grade

11) a VB Program to find transpose of given matrix.

12) a VB program to create a Stop Watch. It contains buttons Start, Stop, Pause and Reset. It should display time in hours, minute, second, millisecond.

13) Design an application that contains one Label and two combo boxes, one combo box contains any text and second combo box contains color names. Write a VB Program to set caption and background color to the label control from respective combo boxes

14) Write a VB Program to accept the details of employee from user & store those details in to the database. (Don’t use Standard controls) Employee having fieldsemp_code, emp_name, salary, dateofjoining.

15) Write a VB Program to accept a number from user and check whether it is palindrome or not (Accept number using input box ) and display result using message box.

 16) Write a VB Program to accept the details of Company from user & store those details in to the database. (Don’t use Standard controls) Company having fieldsccode, cname, cadddress, cphno

17) Write a VB Program to accept birth date through textbox from user and calculate age. (Use Message box to display result)

18) Write a VB program to accept the details of doctor having field’s dno, dname, address, and phone number. Display those details on to the grid.

19) Write a VB program to convert temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit and result should display into message box. (Accept input through input box)

20) Write a VB program for currency conversion. The program should input the amount in any currency and the output should be displayed in the desire currency as selected by the user. An input form should accept all the currency rates. The various currencies are rupee, dollar, pound and euro. (Use textbox control for input and to display output also)

21) Write a VB Program to accept the number from the user in text box and display multiplication table of that number into the list box

22) Write a VB program to accept the details of book, store those details into the database and delete the particular record of given book id. (Use InputBox)

23) Write a VB Program to display all even and odd numbers from an array. 

24) Write a VB program to search an employee record from the database according to the empcode and display that record onto the form. (Use Input box). 

25) Write a VB program to design following screen with validation name should contain character only, mobile number should contain only 10 digit, Pin code should contain only 6 digit,email id should contain @, . symbol . 

26) Write a VB program to accept the details of product (pno, pname, qty, price totalprice) store it into the database and update the quantity of product having pno is 100. (Don’t use Standard Data controls). 

27) Write a VB Program to create a POPUP menu. Menu are Color(sub menu- red, green, blue, yellow), Font(Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial Black etc), Font Size (10, 11, 12 etc) after clicking on particular menu changes should reflect on Label control.

28) Write a VB Program to create status bar and display it on onto the form. Status bar should have five panels to display any text, date, time, CAPS ON/OFF, NumLock ON/Off.

29) Write a VB program to store the details of players into the database and display that details using ADODC.

30) Design the digital watch using Timer control.

31) Design an application in VB which contain find and replace dialogue box for textbox control with the multiple line of text with 3 options buttons for changing font and three checkboxes for giving effect (Bold, Italic, Underline) to the text. The form should contain following command buttons i. Find ii. Find Next Iii Replace all

32) Write a VB program to enter two positive numbers, calculate the sum of the products of each pair of digits occupying the same position in the two numbers. Display the result on to the form.Example: If first number is 45 and second number is 534, then output will be 32.(0*5 + 4*3 + 5*4=32)

33) Write a VB a program to enter “Voters details and on next form display Voter’s Information and check proper validation for(name, age,nationality) as Name should be in upper case letters Age should not be less than 18 yrs.Nationality should be Indian

34) Write a VB Program to move a command button by using timer control.

35) Write a VB program to design progress bar using Timer control. Once process is completed new form should get open and display message “Processed Successfully”

36) Create a Sport database consisting of a single table called booking for storing sports toolkit information namelyname of game, equipment and price. Write a menu driven program with following options for operations on the database 
37) Write a VB program which accepts First name and last name from user into two textboxes and three command buttons Concatenate, Uppercase, Lowercase respectively. After clicking on command button appropriate result should get display into third textbox

38) Design a calculator in VB, Which has Two extra command buttons to check factorial of given number and to check whether entered number is even or odd.

39) Write a VB program to load picturebox at a runtime.

40) Write a VB program to accept Input from Textbox. Check whether given input is alphabet or number. If it is alphabet check that it is in uppercase or lowercase. Display appropriate result using msgbox. 

41) Write a VB program to create screen saver on the form. 

42) Create an application in VB to display 4 X 4 squares on the screen. One of the blocks will be active with black color all other block will be fill with blue color. Provide a command button as follows to move the active cell the active cell should be change only if it is within the boundary.

43) Write a VB a program to accept a string from user if the string contain any integer number that getreplaced by *.


  1. thank you sir
    but cpp solved it slips questions

  2. can u pls upload the slip 27-q4(as per university of pune lab slips)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sir i require Sybca
    cpp programs can u please help me

  5. you should uplode tutiorial vedios also


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