VBSlip 5_2_2015-16

=================================Slip 5_2============================== Write a VB program to accept the details of student and display mark sheet details on grid control.( roll_ no, student_ name, class, sub1, sub2, sub3, total, percentage,Grade

Private Sub Command1_Click()
                lblTotal.Caption = Val(Text4.Text) + Val(Text5.Text) + Val(Text6.Text)
                lblPer.Caption = Val(lblTotal.Caption) / 3
                total = Val(lblTotal.Caption)
                If total < 100 Then
                                lblGrade.Caption = "D"
                ElseIf total < 150 Then
                                lblGrade.Caption = "C"
                ElseIf total < 200 Then
                                lblGrade.Caption = "B"
                ElseIf total < 250 Then
                                lblGrade.Caption = "A"
                ElseIf total < 300 Then
                                lblGrade.Caption = "A+"
                End If
                Command1.Enabled = False
                Command2.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
                With Adodc1.Recordset

                                !roll = Val(Text1.Text)
                                !sname = Text2.Text
                                !sclass = Text3.Text
                                !sub1 = Text4.Text
                                !sub2 = Text5.Text
                                !sub3 = Text6.Text
                                !total = lblTotal.Caption
                                !per = lblPer.Caption
                                !grade = lblGrade.Caption
                End With
                MsgBox ("Marks Inserted")
                Text1.Text = ""
                Text2.Text = ""
End Sub


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