VBSlip 6_2_2015-16

=================================Slip 6_2================================= Write a VB program to create a Stop Watch. It contains buttons Start, Stop, Pause and Reset. It should display time in hours, minute, second, millisecond.      

Private Sub Command1_Click()

                Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
                Timer1.Enabled = False
                Label1.Caption = 0
                Label2.Caption = 0
                Label3.Caption = 0
                Label4.Caption = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
                If Command3.Caption = "Pause" Then
                                Command3.Caption = "Resume"
                                Timer1.Enabled = False
                                Command3.Caption = "Pause"
                                Timer1.Enabled = True
                End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
                Label1.Caption = 0
                Label2.Caption = 0
                Label3.Caption = 0
                Label4.Caption = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
'Timer1.Enabled = False
'Timer1.Enabled = True
'Label4.Caption = Time
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
                Label4.Caption = Val(Label4.Caption) + Val(1)
                If Label4.Caption = 100 Then
                                Label3.Caption = Val(Label3.Caption) + Val(1)
                                Label4.Caption = 0
                ElseIf Label3.Caption = 59 Then
                                Label2.Caption = Val(Label2.Caption) + Val(1)
                                Label3.Caption = 0
                ElseIf Label2.Caption = 59 Then
                                Label1.Caption = Val(Label1.Caption) + Val(1)
                                Label2.Caption = 0
                End If
End Sub

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