Slip no. 16  &  Slip no. 24
Write a PHP program to read Flat file’Student.dat’ that has student details as roll no, name, m1,m2,m3 as mark of three subjects. Display the data from the file in tabular format. Also display total and percentage of each student.
Dat file : student.dat
1 Ajay 50 20 80
2 Vijay 30 80 60

HTML file :
<h2> student Details</h2>
<form action="slip16_2.php" method="GET">
<h2>   Reading File In Tabular Format : </h2>
<h3>   Enter Directory Name : <input type=text name=d><br><br>  </h3>
<input type=submit value=submit name=Show>
<input type=reset value=Reset name=Reset>

PHP file :
                                $f = fopen('student.dat','r');
                                echo "<br><br>";

                                echo "<table border type=3 align=center>";
                                echo "<tr><td align=center>Roll No</td>";
                                echo "<td align=center> Name</td>";
                                echo "<td align=center> Maths</td>";
                                echo "<td align=center> Science</td>";
                                echo "<td align=center> Computer</td>";
                                echo "<td align=center> Total</td>";
                                echo "<td align=center> Percentage</td></tr>";

                                                $d = fgets($f);
                                                $s = explode(' ',$d);
                                                if(!empty($s[0]) && !empty($s[1]) && !empty($s[2]) && !empty($s[3]) && !empty($s[4]))
                                                                $m1 = $s[2];
                                                                $m2 = $s[3];
                                                                $m3 = $s[4];
                                                                $total = $m1+$m2+$m3;
                                                                $p = ($total/300)*100;

                                                                echo "<tr><td align=center>$s[0]</td>";
                                                                echo "<td align=center> $s[1]</td>";
                                                                echo "<td align=center> $m1</td>";
                                                                echo "<td align=center> $m2</td>";
                                                                echo "<td align=center> $m3</td>";
                                                                echo "<td align=center> $total</td>";
                                                                echo "<td align=center> $p</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";

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