3. Write a PHP script to demonstrate the introspection for examining class(use function get_declared_classes() ,get_class_methods() and get_class_vars()).

Php file :
class intro
              var $i;
              function f1()    {}
              function f2()    {}
class intro_1 extends intro
              var $j,$k;
              function f3()    {}
              function f4()    {}
echo class_exists('intro');         //returns true if class is exist
var_dump(get_declared_classes());       //returns an array of all the class are define & declared in php including classes name
var_dump(get_class_methods('intro_1'));      //returns an array of methods in class intro_1
var_dump(get_class_methods('Exception'));     //returns an array of methods in class Exception
var_dump(get_class_vars('intro_1'));     //returns parent class of given class intro_1 if it is exists
var_dump(get_parent_class('intro_1'));      //reurns parent class of given class if it exist
var_dump(get_object_vars($ob));    //retuns an array of parameter / variables for given object


  1. I am confused about output.
    can you mail me the output which you have obtained from this programe
    Thanks In Advance.

  2. Sir in this program you cannot define ob;
    that why u define one object of class like
    $ob=new intro;
    this line add after class declaration......

    1. I think u are not reading the program correctly. It is about examining class not an object, so why should we declare object??


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