1. . Write a PHP program to create a simple calculator that can accept two numbers and perform operations like add, subtract, multiplication and divide (using Self Processing form).

2. . A college has given roll number to each student, The roll number is six digit number where first two digits are faculty(B.Sc., BCA, BA) third digit is year (Ist(1), IInd(2) and IIIrd(3)) and last three digit are actual number. Write PHP script to accept a number and print faculty, year and roll number of student

3.Write a PHP script to demonstrate the introspection for examining class(use function get_declared_classes() ,get_class_methods() and get_class_vars()).

4. Write a Calculator class that can accept two values, then add them, subtract them, multiply them together, or divide them on request. For example: $calc = new Calculator( 3, 4 ); echo $calc- >add(); // Displays “7” echo $calc- >multiply(); // Displays “12”

5. Write an PHP script to search employee name from employee.dat file(Use AJAX concept)

6.Write a PHP Script create login form and validate it (Use database and Sticky form concept)

7.Create a form to accept employee details like name, address and mobile number. Once the employee information is accepted, then accept LIC information like policy_no, name, premium. Display employee details and LIC details on next form.(use COOKIE)

8.Write a script to keep track of number of times the web page has been accessed (use $_COOKIE).

9. Create an abstract class Shape with methods calc_area( ) and calc_volume( ). Derive three classes Sphere(radius) , Cone(radius, height) and Cylinder(radius, height), Calculate area and volume of all. (Use Method overriding).

10. Write a PHP script to accept username and password. If in the first three chances, username and password entered is correct, then display second form, otherwise display error message

11.Write PHP script to create a CD catalog using XML file.

12. Write a PHP script for the following: Design a form to accept a number from the user. Perform the operations and show the results. 1) Factorial of a number using Recursion. 2) Add the digits of that number to reduce it to single digit. (use the concept of self processing page.

13. Write a PHP script using AJAX concept, to develop user-friendly and interactive search engine

14.Create student registration form and display details in the next page. (Use sticky form concept).

15. Write a PHP Script to Upload the file and display its information.(use $_FILES).

16. Write a PHP Script to display Server information in table format (Use $_SERVER).

17. To create form that accept the user details. write php program to capitalize of first letter of each name and check user email address contain @ symbol.

18. Create a XML file which gives details of books available in “ABC Bookstore” from following categories 1) Technical 2) Cooking 3) YOGA

19. Write a PHP script to accept a string and then display each word of string in reverse order. (use concept of self processing form)

20. Write PHP program to select list of subjects (use multivalued parameter) displays on next page.

21.Write a PHP program for the following create a calculator that can store two values and perform operations like add, subtract, multiplication and divide (using Self Processing form)

22. Write a script to keep track of number of times the web page has been accessed.(Use $_SESSION[ ] )

23. Write a PHP script to generate an XML in the following format

24. Write a simple PHP program which implements Ajax for addition of two numbers

25.Write PHP script to demonstrate the concept of introspection for examining object.

26. Write a PHP script to accept student details(rno, name, class) and store them in student table (Max 10) , print them in sorted order of name on the browser in table format

27. Write an Ajax program to display list of games stored in an array on clicking OK button.

28.Change the preferences of your web page like font style, font size, font color, background color using cookie. Display selected settings on next web page and actual implementation (with new settings) on third web page.

29. Write a script to create XML file named “Course.xml” ....... ...... ..... Store the details of 5 students who are in TYBCA.

30. Write a PHP Script to display Server information in table format (Use $_SERVER). 


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  12. Email: danish.shaikh3628@gmail.com
    College: KJS College Kopargaon


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